It is with a tear in my eye that I have to announce that this will be the last blog post of the MEANDERING MOOSE. As I alluded in my prior post there have been some life changing events in 2018 which altered the course of our path. 2018 has been the most wonderful year of our lives as well as one of the worst years of our lives. The year started on an ominous note as Nancy just got out of the emergency room with a pulmonary embolism; a major life threatening issue! Then, in January, some of the best news of our lives happened; the birth of Darynn Rae Ransom, our first granddaughter!!! This beautiful child proved to be the light of our lives considering the events to follow. Darynn Rae Ransom In March Nancy lost her mother, a beautiful women and a perfect mom. We loved her so much and this loss was devastating. I had known her since I was16 years old and I cannot tell you how much this ...