Our next stop took us straight to outer-space. That's right, we landed in the alien capital of the world--Roswell, New Mexico. Everywhere you look in this town there are pictures and statues of aliens. Our journey took us to the International UFO Museum where everything you need to know about aliens and the "Roswell Incident" are available. Apparently, in 1947 an alien spacecraft crashed on a farm near Roswell. As the story goes, there was substantial evidence of the the crash and heaps of alien debris spread throughout the farm and another nearby area in the desert. To this day our government has covered-up the incident and refuses to acknowledge the existence of evidence of an alien crash in Roswell. I was able to talk to a few locals who claim to have lived in Roswell at the time of the incident. Some stand by the alien crash story and some claim it to be a bunch of hooey. Whatever you end up believing, t...