...of Lake Labarge, I cremated Sam McGee."--Robert W. Service. The 1907 poem "The Cremation of Sam McGee" is, by far, the most famous poem of Alaska and the Yukon Territories. I had to look-up "marge" to discover it meant "margin" or "edge." It seems that most places we traveled in our northwest journey there was some reference to the poet or the poem. However, nowhere was it more in-your-face than Dawson City, YT. It was Dawson City that everybody was rushing to in the Klondike Gold Rush from 1896-1899. The town was full of either gold miners or those smart enough to "mine" the gold miners. Robert Service was there for the action and provided much of the entertainment in the local bars by orating poems for the patrons. His name became intimately attached to Dawson City and the gold rush. What is a "gold rush" town without some bars babes dancing around and showing their underwear? Panning for "...