Kenai Fjords National Park After departing from Anchorage we had the best time in the Whittier, Alaska area. Alaskans seem to note that the weather in Whittier is always "shittier." However, we had great weather. First, upon arrival at a Chugach National Forest campground I got talking to the campground host. He told me that I was a "special" guest and awarded me with 2 pounds of fresh halibut which he caught the day before. Yummy! Next we took the tram ride up Alyeska Ski Resort where we enjoyed lunch overlooking fantastic mountains and the Turnagain Arm. Turnagain Arm received its moniker when Captain Cook was seeking the Northwest Passage. Apparently, while searching for the passage, Captain Cook sailed up the Cook Inlet only to be foiled on several occasions. As legend has it, when he entered another arm of the Cook Inlet and was turned back he stated, in his log, that he had to "turn again." Hence, ...