This not what we expected Death Valley to look like. ...or is it the HOTEST COOL PLACE IN NORTH AMERICA? Whatever! Death Valley National Park is OUTSTANDING!!! When we first entered Death Valley we were expecting a brown, dry, rocky, desert dirt with a few shrubs all mixed together in a giant furnace. We were partly right, but we were mostly wrong. The park featured expansive salt flats, colorful mountains, sand dunes, volcano cones, desert springs and creeks, and tons of canyons through a variety of geologic formations. This fantastic place is the largest park in the lower 48 as well as the hottest, driest, and lowest place in North America. For those who love heat without humidity, try a July visit were the average high temperature is 115 degrees with a record high of 134! A coyote gave us a visit one day. Looking into Ubehebe Crater. "Salt Creek" is teeming with "pupfish" who can survive in this super salt...