Wow! I wanted to publish this earlier; but a good internet connection on-the-road is either very difficult or super expensive. I am now in a campground with good WiFi, so yay!
We finally left CT on April 23 in a heavy rain and 30+ mph wind gusts resulting in some stressful driving. Our start was ominous as Nancy (no, not me!) didn't close the RV door, so we entered RT 91 with the door swinging open and the exterior steps down. Yikes! Nancy jumped to the rescue and got the door closed before I could give her the boot, so all was well.
So far we are having a good time, but the road is never smooth. Our rig drives like a truck. When we use cruise control and hit a hill the engine automatically increases its rpms to create a sudden, deafening roar. The only way to avoid this is to give the rig more gas before hitting the hill or to quickly disengage the cruise control before the engine starts shouting. In PA there are so many hills that this unhappy circumstance happens every 30 seconds which lead me to create a new game called "Zap the Moose." The game goes like this: 1) wait for Moose (Nancy) to fall into a sound sleep while cruising down the road; 2) when a hill is imminent, allow the sudden roar to occur; 3) quickly hit the cruise control which allows for a sudden, short loud blast; 4) watch Moose's arms and legs shoot out in panic as if she has been tasered; 5) wait for Moose to drop back to sleep; and 6) repeat. This results in hours of family fun to pass the tedious driving through PA. (I am such a joy to travel with!)
Our 1st stop was a Walmart aka Camp Wally World. It was free, allowed us to pick-up some groceries, was clean and safe, and allowed us to focus on driving without searching for campgrounds.
Our 1st Home |
The 2nd day ended in Hocking Hills State Park in southern Ohio. This is a beautiful park with very unique features. It is a "must do" park if traveling in Ohio. Rock House, Ash Cave, and Old Man Cave are not to be missed attractions.
Rock House |
Ash Cave |
From there it was on to a beautiful campground in Indiana on the Ohio River with a short drive to Cincinnati. Cincinnati is a beautiful city with a nice river-walk, an excellent art museum, and a top-tier zoo, but, no moose. Boo! I offered Nancy up as a new exhibit, but was promptly refused--Dang!?
Cincinnati Zoo |
Cincinnati Museum of Art |
Dearborn Bike Trail.
This is an 11 mile bike trail along the Ohio River starting in Aurora, IN.
It was a short ride from our campground in Rising Sun, IN. |
In addition, I am now a permanent member of the Bird Hall of Fame. One day as I was strolling through the campground I noticed that 2 robins had their legs tied together with some string. To make matters worse they managed to get between the slats of a picket fence with one on one side of the fence and the other robin on the opposite side. Upon seeing this, and knowing nothing about birds except that they fly and tweet, I used my super power of speed and ran away--to the campground office. Fortunately, the campground manager knew how to handle birds. I helped her calm the birds and held their skinny, boney legs while the manager made 3 careful snips with her scissors. It took several minutes to make the correct snips as their legs were so tightly intertwined. Finally the birds flew off, happy to be free. For this I have been guaranteed a lifetime pass from being a target of those aerial trinkets that birds love to rain down upon us. Oh, I also recalled an urban legend that birds were full of lice. So even though I took a shower right after the rescue, I kept itching my scalp as I kept imagining an infestation of lice for the next several days.
On to our next adventure.
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