As I reported in my last blog we seem to be chased by a giant, black rain cloud and since it looked like our luck would not change, we called an audible and diverted our trip to Connecticut. So we abandoned our rig in Columbus, Ohio and set out on a road trip in the car. We only had 6 days to spend in Connecticut, but made the most of it; spending time with Hazel; Bryce and Jarrod; and Darynn, Acacia and Adam. Unfortunately, Darynn was a little under the weather, but she is such a pleasant, happy baby that she takes in everything with a big smile. We are looking forward to spending more time with everybody when we return in August. Nancy with Darynn. Adam with Darynn. Darynn all decked out for a party. So here's an interesting dilemma. My mother, who will be 95 in August, goes to bed around 11, gets up around 6, still drives (locally), and is out and active 6-7 days a week; just informed us that she has...