During our working years, when Nancy and I took vacations in the southeast, we would either stay along the ocean or hit the mountains and head down the Appalachians as far south as the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Since we always ignored north Georgia we decided to give it a try and, HOLY COW, we loved it! The countryside here is very much like New England with mountains towering above 4,000', waterfalls, gorgeous streams, massive lakes, and cool towns. Springtime in North Georgia Our first stop was Carter's Lake Corp of Engineers campground in Elijay, Georgia. Our campsite overlooked the water and we took the opportunity to chill in this beautiful setting. Nancy even took a plunge into the chilly lake water and floated around for an hour or 2. Carter's Lake Nancy taking a dip in Carter's Lake We used the campground as a jumping off point to visit some of the local highlights....