We have now been on the road for 2 weeks since Acacia and Adam's wedding and, with the installation of a WiFi antenna and booster, we are now able to post. The wedding was a complete success and it was as close to perfect as possible. Acacia and Adam have now returned from their honeymoon and had a great time. Also, their spirits seem to be soaring as the results of Adam's latest tests showed that his ordeal is finally at an end. We are so happy for them. Congratulations Acacia & Adam! Thanks for the pic Carol. We finally made it to the west and are now in Cheyene, Wyoming! Cowboy hats, cowboy boots, and cowgirls-what's not to like. It wasn't until we got 1 hour west of Chicago that we felt as if we finally broke away from the tentacles of the east coast as the massive hoards of trucks declined to a mere trickle. Also, once we hit Iowa the highway started featuring gentle hill...